imdb Plot summary Born in a small town in the countryside surrounding Pistoia, Adriana is an attractive young girl who counts on using her looks to go places in the entertainment business in Rome. Moving to the capital, she works first of all in a hairdressing salon, then in a small cinema where she manages to get a job working in fancy dress. Meantime, she socializes with young men of the upper middle classes, who take her to parties and out on the town with the sole aim of taking advantage of her. Adriana knows their game, but plays along. In the meantime, she meets an agent called Cianfanna, a modest money-grubber who introduces her to a journalist friend of his so he can write an article on her. Having thus launched her career in advertising, Adriana decides to go home to visit her parents. Once home, however, she is distraught to learn of the death of her sister. Returning to Rome, she takes acting lessons, but during one lesson she suddenly faints she is pregnant, with no idea of who the father of her child is. The days go by and Adriana tries to forget about her pregnancy, while sleeping with an increasingly long list of lovers. And yet, despite the fact these encounters are often less than enjoyable, at one point she actually falls in love his name is Antonio and he's a decent young man from a respectable family, but still in love with a former girlfriend he is unable to forge灵狐者爱情小说t…
- 4.0HD
简介: 本片改编自窃听风云3粤语同名小说,讲述了主人公·梓失去了无可替代的挚友而止步不前,她不断给已故好友发送信息,entirely相濡以沫的夜晚由此开始,意想不到的邂海上牧云记逅接连发生,形成了一个巨大的圈子…
- 7.0HD
- 5.0HD
巴里·基奥恩,弗兰茨·罗戈夫斯基,詹姆斯·尼尔森-乔伊斯,贾思敏·乔布森,里斯·耶茨,Joanne Matthews,弗兰琪·波克斯,妮基娅·亚当斯,Jason Buda
简介: 女孩住在英国肯特郡的闲置空屋里,同父异母的哥哥与友人成日寻仇滋事,热恋中的年轻父亲则忙着筹钱准备婚礼,十二岁的她已经懂得照顾自己。路边海鸥漫步、窗外乌鸦展翅、群鸟翱翔天际;这些手机记录下的渺小幸福,让她短暂逃离困厄现实。从没有人想理解她,直到有天,她遇见流浪的「鸟」,一个穿着长裙、有着奇怪名字、喜欢站在天台,总是面露微笑,善良而孤独的男子。英国导演安德莉亚阿诺德将视角转向家乡肯特郡的边缘族群..
- 5.0HD
麦斯·米科尔森,阿曼达·科林,古斯塔夫·林德,克里斯汀·库亚斯·托普,丽丝·瑞森·奥尔森,索伦·莫灵,马格努斯·克雷佩,托马斯·加比利尔森,雅各布·豪伯格·罗曼,Morten Andersen,费利克斯·克拉默,西蒙·本尼杰格,阿韦德·弗里斯,Patricia Slauf,Hagberg Melina
简介: 故事讲述17世纪中电视剧相爱十年期,丹麦国王弗雷德里克五世宣布日德兰岛的野生荒地应山河令电视剧被驯化、耕种、殖民化,以便文明可以传播,为王室带来新税收。但没有人敢去这片荒蛮土地,直到名叫路德维格·卡伦的士兵王牌竞速站了出来。
- 6.0TC
简介: 三分野电视剧免费观看全集患有脑瘫的刘春和(易烊千玺 饰)勇敢冲破身心的枷锁,为外婆(林晓杰 饰)圆梦舞台的同时,也弥合了与妈妈(蒋勤勤 饰)的关系,并努唯美图片力寻求着自己人生的坐标。在经历一个盛向往的生活5夏的蜕变后,他终于踏上了新的旅程。
- 1.0HD
简介: 影片斩获英国万像国际电影节优秀影片大奖,描写了当下中国社会底层的nba新浪体育年轻人,真实的表达了他们的生存状态和情感诉求。影片清新、唯美、自然。李璐(艾晓琪 饰)是一个典型的90后女孩,石头(张珂源 饰)是一个单亲家庭长大知否知否应是绿肥红瘦是什么意思的孩子。因为一场交通意外,李璐担负起了照顾石头的责任,并答应帮助石头寻找母亲。旅途中,他们遇到了形形色色的人与事,虽然石头没..