The plot introduces us to a psychologist who suggests to three couples that they engage in a group session, where they will have to analyse each other without her being present. In order to do so, she has left them a number of e钢铁侠2nvelopes containing instructions on the things they have to address. The method she has proposed encourages everyone to中央5今天现场直播 share their opinions, argue with each other and reveal their true selves. They are all public prosecutors and defence lawyers; they all interrogate one another, confess, lay themselves bare emotionally, regret the things they have said and toy with provoking the others. It’s a comedy with realistic characters and with a great sense of humour up until the final twist, which will wipe the smil偷偷藏不住电视剧免费观看大全e off the audience’s faces because, in an instant, everything will take on a different meaning.