  • 五伙伴历险记4



    Bernhard, the father of Julian, Dick and Anne organized an exhibition to Egypt. Here, discover the friends after an attempt恋恋不忘电视剧全集40免费观看ed burglary an old gold amulet. So they fly with Elena, a colleague of his father, to Cairo. In Cairo Julian's father falls into a trap and is the太古遗产n accused of theft. Until the trial, he goes to jail. The five are trying to prove innocence Bernard and take Auni, a young pickpocket to help. This ra斗罗大陆在线全集免费观看ises the question of whether they can liberate Bernhard.

  • 受害者:勿忘我



      2000年潜行狙击国语9月9日,Simsek的生活突然发生巨变: 她的父亲Enver在纽伦堡连中8枪,身受重伤不治而死。警方怀疑这是一起黑帮犯罪,Enver做过毒品生意有犯罪背景。但在随后的6年里,七名土耳其人和一名希腊人在德国其他地方相继遇害,并以“烤肉谋杀案”登上报纸头条。尽管缺乏证据,警察仍然相信案件有黑社会背景。被视为犯罪嫌疑人的人员电话被窃听,公寓遭搜查,甚至接受无休止的审讯。后来有一天,Hauptkommissar Bronner来到Simsek的家,他质疑警方之前的假设,他认为所有迹象都表明,是激进的右翼分子所为,出于仇外心理。  然而Bronner的请求被拒绝,他的调查小组也在2008 年2月1日解散。许多年来Simsek的家庭尝试找出谋杀案凶手,但毫无进展。2011年11月11日她发现地下右翼恐怖组织NSU涉嫌谋杀案,贝亚特·切培(Beate Zschäpe)和已死亡的两名同犯乌韦·穆德勒斯(Uwe Mundlos)和乌韦·贝尔哈德(Uwe Böhnhardt)被起诉。

  • 萌犬偷渡记



    Yiannis doesn’t have much going for him, save for his adorable dog, Jimi, and his fast-approaching date to get out of Cyprus for good. But when Jimi wanders across the U.N. buffer zone and into the section of t猫和老鼠2021he island Turkey seized more than forty years ago, an unregulated state unrecognized by the rest of the world, Yiannis learns, bringing a dog back over the border is not as easy as walking straight home. He enlists a mismatched band of accomplices from every side of the Cyprus dispute to find a way to get Jimi back, while never leaving the land he calls home.  Writer and一拳超人13 director Marios Piperides has been producing films in Cyprus for more than a decade, and his inside knowledge pays dividends in this narrative feature debut—a whip-smart comedy on legality, disputed nationality, and the frameworks that are erected to maintain a fragile peace. He demonstrates his compassion for locals on both sides of the divide, as he tenderly captures their struggle to find hope and make a living in a divided land. Such serious themes pair perfectly with Piperides’s sense of humor As Yiannis’s efforts dip farther into absurdity, they offer a send-up of the forces that prolo银河护卫队 百度云ng a conflict that has been poorly understood and largely forgotten by the outside world.

  • 萌犬偷渡记



    落魄的南賽樂手亞尼,受夠家鄉紛擾,準備在三天後出國尋找新生活,不料名為吉米罕醉克斯的愛犬竟然走失,打亂了他的如意算盤。原來狗兒誤闖邊境,跑過這條街就去了隔壁國,好不容易尋獲,卻因為邊境檢查哨嚴禁攜帶動物,無法帶回。無計可施又捨不得毛小孩的亞尼,只好在北賽討救兵,展開一場偷渡愛犬大作戰! 地中海東側的島國賽普勒斯,1974年起南北分治至今,南賽多為希臘裔,北賽多為土耳其裔,兩地歷史積怨深而長期敵對。導演將真實經驗改編為黑色溫馨喜劇,以萌犬誤觸政治雷區為引,舉重若輕地凸顯國界的荒謬,以及南北長期隔絕下的文化偏見與衝突,男插曲女尖叫视频软件幽默諷喻媲美《三不管地帶》。





