  • 新宿小偷日记



      新宿是东京仅次于银座的繁华地带,人口最为密集,充满了混乱气息。一天,突然有人大叫“小偷”,一群追赶的人们把小偷抓住,剥开衣服,只剩一条兜档布,腹部露出樱花纹身,追赶的人们都说“服了”,全都倒立起来,事件随即演变成“现场剧院”的表演宣传。一个叫鸟男的旁观者走进新宿车站附近的一间书店里,偷了几本性科学和人体美术书,被店员梅子扭送到老板处。鸟男在被抓时还在不断的偷,并说“我差一点就要射精了”,被抓后鸟男也丝毫没有认罪的态度。老板对鸟男偷书的选择很赏识,反而拿钱叫梅子陪鸟男上餐厅。两人一起看偷来的书,互相挑逗,当夜作爱,但很不成功。    次日,两人请教性科学家,露骨的关于性爱的讨论和场面不断出黑帮大佬和我365天在线观看现在银幕上,但两人兴趣索然。为刺激性欲,两人去偷看艺妓作爱,这些人为了帮助这两个缺乏性经验的男女,假装要强奸梅子,却假戏真做。深夜,梅子在书店把一本本有趣的书堆起来,每拿一本书,画面就出现作者的肖像,并朗读一段章节。后来。两个人加入了“现场剧院”的“期待扰乱戏剧”,梅子用月经模拟出剖腹的样子。此时,新宿街头的年轻人开始投掷石块。影片最后,反日共派的全日本学生自治会大联合的学生们在反战日袭击了新宿车站。

  • 乌克兰狂想曲



      Sergei Parajanov's 89 minute color feature also known as "Ukrainskaya rapsodiya" about 2 lovers separated during World War II.橘里橘气床上肉

  • 爱情领域



      爱情,从来行动大于言语  威伦,一个出生在情人节的年轻人,却从来不知道爱情——甚至连他辽宁男篮直播今晚比赛父母的爱都不知道。他遇到了一个对他表现出同情和温柔的人  Valen, a young man born on Valentine’s Day but ha星魂战士s never known love - not even the love of 私募内线his parents. And he meets someone who shows him compassion and tenderness.

  • 仇恨标签



      LINE TV和NaDao合作的#HATETAGtheproject#  低俗喜剧国语10个不同主题的故事,讲述了10个不同的泰国社会标签!&传世2lt;/p>

  • 珍爱如血



      故事在Sky将要在曼谷开展大学新生活的时候拉开了帷幕,跟他一起开始新生活的还有一个叫做Sun的面瘫帅保镖。  Sun是Sky的父亲白道家族话事人Ph黑色面包upha派来保护其儿子的,因为Phupha害怕其竞争对手黑道家族的Sakkee会对自己的儿子不利。当Sky答应让Sun跟自己住在一起的时候,他想要在大学里自由自在生活的希望即将破灭,因为他无法忤逆父亲的意思。Sky也很看不惯Sun喜怒不形于色、沉默寡言的性格,因为他感觉对方总是把自己的真实情感隐藏起来。而Sky则是那种有什么想法都会马上说出来的人,所以当两人在一起的时候,Sky感觉到非常压抑。  他们第一次见面的时候就已经互相看不顺眼,而且Sun还总是喊做“小少爷”,Sky为此感到很头疼,因为他觉得对方这么喊自己,会显得两人很生疏,也会让旁人侧目而视。两人这样子的相处方式,就算人们从冥王星上面都能看得出来,两人是少爷和保镖的关系。于是Sky打算安中文字幕无线码排一系列的课程,想要把Sun培训成一个正常的人类,以让大家觉得他们两个是兄弟的关系。但是Sun还是把自己当作一个尽忠职守的保镖,时刻遵守着规矩。  这下子我们的顽皮小少爷会轻易答应吗?Sky时刻想着要打破保镖先生的规矩,然而两人开始慢慢对彼此有了更深入的了解。两人共同经历了很多的挫折、危险以及来自各方的考验,最后产生了一份伟大的爱情,即使需要牺牲掉两人的生命,他们也会义无反顾。

  • 你的甜品我的爱




  • 我们的纪念册



      你还记得《纪念册》里的朋友吗?这个系列将带你回到2000年初,以及Phob和Nut之间的深层联系。当他们两个答应一起追寻梦想的时po18脸红心跳作茧候。不幸的是,有人没有遵守承诺,这导致了分歧。他们之间只剩下痛苦。最后,他们分开了。四年后,年零零后资源网大全鉴带来了一个朋友带着一些真相回来了。最终,他们的友谊、亲密 和梦想将再次回归,或者他们必须面对现实,并将一切作为回忆留在纪念册中。

  • 内地1929



      Claudie, a young French woman, inherits her uncle's property in Algeria, much to the disappoi杨风战神归来免费阅读ntment of her scheming cousins Diane and Manuel. On the ferry she meets and falls for Pierre, an idle young man who has squandered his inheritance and is on his way to beg from Christian, his rich but rough-and-ready uncle, who owns a neighbouring farm to Claudie's. Made to work on the farm by Christian as a loan condition, Pierre is soon a changed man, and proposes to Claudie. But when his Arab friend Zoubir invites the Europeans on a hunting party, 父母爱情全集下载Diane and Manuel see their chance to move against their cousin.

  • 沉默的海湾




  • 油灯



      In small czech town named Jilemnice live unfortunate, but brave and jovial woman Štěpa Kiliánová, whose only d给爱丽丝的奇迹esire was to fill the void in her virgin life. In despair and excessive trust, she married a sardonic, 缘分天空全集免费观看reclusive man, former lieutenant and gambler Pavel Malina, whose only wish was finally found peace and forgetting the past. They lived through unrequited love, dislike and disappointment. But no one knew th钟丽缇晚娘at her groom begin to show signs of cerebral disease, which in the coming years engulf his sanity.

  • 涟漪效应2013




  • 历史的终结




  • 恺撒



      Gheisar is about a young ma铁石心肠2n's drive to revenge those responsible for who raped his sister and murdered his brother.<6房间视频直播间;/p>

  • 重返15岁




  • 摇篮曲



      IAVNANA 是一部简单却斗罗大陆133集免费观看完整版怪诞的格鲁吉亚电影,讲述了一播播四房个叫 Keto 的女孩的故事,她被人从家里偷走,许多年后又回到电视剧霞光了她父母的身边,但已不记得被绑架前的任何事

  • 诺娜和埃斯特



      故事发生在捷克,诺娜(迪娜·霍瓦索瓦 Deana Horváthová 饰)是一个平凡的女人,一次偶然中,诺娜解释了名为艾斯特(达格玛·维斯科莫娃 Dagmar Veskrnová 饰)的护士,艾斯特告诉诺娜,她曾经的恋人是一名党员,在革命失败之后,心灰意冷的他选择了自杀。  诺娜怀孕了,可是,当她把这一喜讯告诉男友时,男友却选择了逃避和退缩,此时是艾斯特向诺娜伸出了援手力王之监狱力王在线观看,收留了无处可去的她。两个女人想要生存下去第一件事情就是要想方设法的赚钱,她们想了很多损招,最后还是靠卖掉了艾斯特已故的恋人的画作而赚了一大笔钱。就这样,两朵末路狂花走上了不归路。

  • 漫长的告别1971



      It is a great film by a great director.Kira Muratova has never been given her due in the Soviet and post-Soviet Russia.In the "Long Good Bye" she depicts a seemingly banal story of a jealous and p机甲兽神2ossessive mother (brilliantly acted by Zinaida Sharko) and her poor aloof and lonely son (the only cinematic role by the talented O. Vladimirsky). The story - which is nothing extraordinary in itself - grows into the wonderful and frightening analysis of alienation between genders and generations on the background of the even more frighteningly bleak and dehumanized Soviet reality.Kira Muratova shows the tiny details of everyday Soviet life,and, again , banal as they are ,they are a hair-raising horror.The dialogue is deliberately laconic and void of any sense, showing the ever-growing people's inability to communicate and understand each other.The sound track ( by another under-estimated talent, Oleg Karavaichuk)adds to the atmosphere of hopeless and meaningless existence.Of course,Sasha (the name of the protagonist),will leave his despotic ( but loving!) mother sooner or later, but where for? (c) Author: drbagrov from Taiwan

  • 美女与野兽1978



      在回家的途中,一位商人(瓦克拉·沃斯卡 Václav Voska 饰)遭遇涩涩电影网了罕见的暴风雪,昏天黑地之中,商人误打误撞来到了一幢豪华神秘的城堡前。商人在城堡中受到了贵宾般的优厚待遇,但直到最后,商人仍然不知道城堡的主人究竟是谁。暴风雪停歇了,商人准备离开,临走之前,他决定在花4399在线播放免费韩国电影园中摘一朵玫瑰送给自己最喜爱的小女儿贝儿(兹德娜·斯图登科娃 Zdena Studenková 饰),而令他没有想到的是,长相狰狞的野兽(Vlastimil Harapes 饰)出现在了他的面前向他索命。  商人失魂落魄的回到了家,将自己的遭遇告诉了六个儿女,爱父心切的贝儿决定代替父亲,只身来到了城堡。然而,等待着贝儿的却并非死亡,而是更加盛情的款待,野兽对她唯一的要求,就是不要离开城堡半步。贝儿并不惧怕野兽,随着中央一套在线直播时间的推移,两人之间的关系越来越近。

  • 煤气灯下



      Twenty years ago, old Mrs. Barlow was killed in her home at 12, Pimlico Square for her priceless rubies. The murderer searched the whole house without finding them, then disappeared. The house has been empty sin美妇在男人胯下哀求ce then, but now Paul and Bella Mallen move into the apartment. Bella Mallen suffers from forgetfulness and nervousness - at least that is wh陈晓东电视剧at her husband tells her. An elderly horse wrangler, B.G. Rough worked as a policeman twenty years ago and still remembers the unsolved case. He no善良的嫂子在线影院观看tices that Mr. Mallen looks just like Louis Barre, Mrs. Barlow's nephew. And why does Mr. Mallen so mysteriously leave every night just to go into the apartment next door, nr. 14?

  • 生命之源2000




  • 官方说法




  • 关于世界末日的不明确报告



      This is a very bizarre fairy tale. It commences with a wedding and singing and dancing but nearly the whole village is wiped out by wolves. The bride gives birth to a daughter several months later and promises her to the boy who saved her.  Ten years later there is another disruption when Some circus folk come by and the villagers trick them into staying. Tragedy ensues...  This has a strange cast, dwarfs, giants, priest小鸟酱视频资源福利s and occasional intrusions from the modern world in the form of the police and a wonderer who returns bringing to the village the good news of Nostradamus. It is a long film but it honestly does not drag. and if you get bored of the plot you can always look at the sumptuous Countryside.

  • 322档案



      Mannhei97xxuum-Heidelberg International Filmfestival  YearResultAwardCategory/Recipient(s)  1969 Won Grand Prize  Dusan Hanák  A government official in Czechoslovakia mistakenly believes he has cancer. He reasons his involvement in clandestine activities during the Stalin administration have fated him to die from a dreaded disease. He searches for inner peace as he feels the guilt of his past transgressions. This film tied for the Grand Prize at the Mannheim Film Festival in 1969.  Slovak director Dusan Hanak was one of Czech cinema's brightest and best talents of the '60s and '70s, but because of censorship this was not manifest until the late '80s. Dusan made an impact on the film world with his auspicious debut 322 (1969). Though banned until 1988, when it was finally released, it earned international acclaim and the Grand Prix award at the Mannheim Film Festival. Hanak's sophomore effort, the documentary Obrazy Stareho Sveta/Image of an Old World (completed in 1972), was also not released until 1988 and neither was his 1980 film Ja Milujem, Ty Milujes/I Love You, You Love. Only Hanak's 1976 film Ruzove Sny/Rose-Tinted Dreams passed muster with censors and saw a timely release.

  • 出生证明



      In 1961, Stanislaw Rozewicz created the novella film "Birth Certificate" in cooperation with his brother, Taduesz Rozewicz as screenwriter. Such brother 深渊电影tandems are rare in the history of film but aside from family ties, Stanislaw (born in 1924) and Taduesz (born in 1921) were mutually bound by their love for the cinema. They were born and grew up in Radomsk, a small town which had "its madmen and its saints" and most importanly, the "Kinema" cinema, as Stanislaw recalls: for him cinema is "heaven, the whole world, enchantment". Tadeusz says he considers cinema both a charming market stall and a mysterious temple. "All this savage land has always attracted and fascinated me," he says. "I am devoured by cinema and I devour cinema; I'm a cinema eater." But Taduesz Rozewicz, an eminent writer, admits this unique form of cooperation was a problem to him: "It is the presence of the other person not only in the process of writing, but at its very core, which is inserperable for me from absolute solitude." Some scenes the brothers wrote together; others were created by the writer himself, following discussions with the director. But from the perspective of time, it is "Birth Certificate", rather than "Echo" or "The Wicked Gate", that Taduesz describes as his most intimate film. This is understandable. The tradgey from September 1939 in Poland was for the Rozewicz brothers their personal "birth certificate". When working on the film, the director said "This time it is all about shaking off, getting rid of the psychological burden which the war was for all of us. ... Cooperation with my brother was in this case easier, as we share many war memories. We wanted to show to adult viewers a picture of war as seen by a child. ... In reality, it is the adults who created the real world of massacres. Children beheld the horrors coming back to life, exhumed from underneath the ground, overwhelming the earth."  The principle of composition of "Birth Certificate" is not obvious. When watching a novella film, we tend to think in terms of traditional theatre. We expect that a miniature story will finish with a sharp point; the three film novellas in Rozewicz's work lack this feature. We do not know what will be happen to the boy making his alone through the forest towards the end of "On the Road". We do not know whether in "Letter from the Camp", the help offered by the small heroes to a Soviet prisoner will rescue him from the unknown fate of his compatriots. The fate of the Jewish girl from "Drop of Blood" is also unclear. Will she keep her new impersonation as "Marysia Malinowska"? Or will the Nazis make her into a representative of the "Nordic race"? Those questions were asked by the director for a reason. He preceived war as chaos and perdition, and not as linear history that could be reflected in a plot. Although "Birth Certificate" is saturated with moral content, it does not aim to be a morality play. But with the immense pressure of reality, no varient of fate should be excluded. This approached can be compared wth Krzysztof Kieslowski's "Blind Chance" 25 years later, which pictured dramatic choices of a different era.  The film novella "On the Road" has a very sparing plot, but it drew special attention of the reviewers. The ominating overtone of the war films created by the Polish Film School at that time should be kept in mind. Mainly owing to Wajda, those films dealt with romantic heritage. They were permeated with pathos, bitterness, and irony. Rozewicz is an extraordinary artist. When narrating a story about a boy lost in a war zone, carrying some documents from the regiment office as if they were a treasure, the narrator in "On the Road" discovers rough prose where one should find poetry. And suddenly, the irrational touches this rather tame world. The boy, who until that moment resembled a Polish version of the Good Soldier Schweik, sets off, like Don Quixote, for his first and last battle. A critic described it as "an absurd gesture and someone else could surely use it to criticise the Polish style of dying. ... But the Rozewicz brothers do no accuse: they only compose an elegy for the picturesque peasant-soldier, probably the most important veteran of the Polish war of 1939-1945." "Birth Certificate" is not a lofty statement about national imponderabilia. The film reveals a plebeian perspective which Aleksander Jackieqicz once contrasted with those "lyrical lamentations" inherent in the Kordian tradition. However, a historical overview of Rozewicz's work shows that the distinctive style does not signify a fundamental difference in illustrating the Polish September. Just as the memorable scene from Wajda's "Lotna" was in fact an expression of desperation and distress, the same emotions permeate the final scene of "Birth Certificate". These are not ideological concepts, though once described as such and fervently debated, but rather psychological creations. In this specific case, observes Witold Zalewski, it is not about manifesting knightly pride, but about a gesture of a simple man who does not agree to be enslaved.  The novella "Drop of Blood" is, with Aleksander Ford's "Border Street", one of the first narrations of the fate of the Polish Jews during the Nazi occupation. The story about a girl literally looking for her place on earth has a dramatic dimension. Especially in the age of today's journalistic disputes, often manipulative, lacking in empathy and imbued with bad will, Rozewicz's story from the past shocks with its authenticity. The small herione of the story is the only one who survives a German raid on her family home. Physical survial does not, however, mean a return to normality. Her frightened departure from the rubbish dump that was her hideout lead her to a ruined apartment. Her walk around it is painful because still fresh signs of life are mixed with evidence of annihilation. Help is needed, but Mirka does not know anyone in the outside world. Her subsequent attempts express the state of the fugitive's spirits - from hope and faith, moving to doubt, a sense of oppression, and thickening fear, and finally to despair.  At the same time, the Jewish girl's search for refuge resembles the state of Polish society. The appearance of Mirka results in confusion, and later, trouble. This was already signalled by Rozewicz in an exceptional scene from "Letter from the Camp" in which the boy's neighbour, seeing a fugitive Russian soldier, retreats immediately, admitting that "Now, people worry only about themselves." Such embarassing excuses mask fear. During the occupation, no one feels safe. Neither social status not the aegis of a charity organisation protects against repression. We see the potential guardians of Mirka passing her back and forth among themselves. These are friendly hands but they cannot offer strong support. The story takes place on that thin line between solidarity and heroism. Solidarity arises spontaneously, but only some are capable of heroism. Help for the girl does not always result from compassion; sometimes it is based on past relations and personal ties (a neighbour of the doctor takes in the fugitive for a few days because of past friendship). Rozewicz portrays all of this in a subtle way; even the smallest gesture has significance. Take, for example, the conversation with a stranger on the train: short, as if jotted down on the margin, but so full of tension. And earlier, a peculiar examination of Polishness: the "Holy Father" prayer forced on Mirka by the village boys to check that she is not a Jew. Would not rising to the challenge mean a death sentance?  Viewed after many years, "Birth Certificate" discloses yet another quality that is not present in the works of the Polish School, but is prominent in later B-class war films. This is the picture of everyday life during the war and occupation outlined in the three novellas. It harmonises with the logic of speaking about "life after life". Small heroes of Rozewicz suddenly enter the reality of war, with no experience or scale with which to compare it. For them, the present is a natural extension of and at the same time a complete negation of the past. Consider the sleey small-town marketplace, through which armoured columns will shortly pass. Or meet the German motorcyclists, who look like aliens from outer space - a picture taken from an autopsy because this is how Stanislaw and Taduesz perceived the first Germans they ever met. Note the blurred silhouettes of people against a white wall who are being shot - at first they are shocking, but soon they will probably become a part of the grim landscape. In the city centre stands a prisoner camp on a sodden bog ("People perish likes flies; the bodies are transported during the night"); in the street the childern are running after a coal wagon to collect some precious pieces of fuel. There's a bustle around some food (a boy reproaches his younger brother's actions by singing: "The warrant officer's son is begging in front of the church? I'm going to tell mother!"); and the kitchen, which one evening becomes the proscenium of a real drama. And there are the symbols: a bar of chocolate forced upon a boy by a Wehrmacht soldier ("On the Road"); a pair of shoes belonging to Zbyszek's father which the boy spontaneously gives to a Russian fugitive; a priceless slice of bread, ground  under the heel of a policeman in the guter ("Letters from the Camp"). As the director put it: "In every film, I communicate my own vision of the world and of the people. Only then the style follows, the defined way of experiencing things." In Birth Certificate, he adds, his approach was driven by the subject: "I attempted to create not only the texture of the document but also to add some poetic element. I know it is risky but as for the merger of documentation and poety, often hidden very deep, if only it manages to make its way onto the screen, it results in what can referred to as 'art'."  After 1945, there were numerous films created in Europe that dealt with war and children, including "Somewhere in Europe" ("Valahol Europaban", 1947 by Geza Radvanyi), "Shoeshine" ("Sciescia", 1946 by Vittorio de Sica), and "Childhood of Ivan" ("Iwanowo dietstwo" by Andriej Tarkowski). Yet there were fewer than one would expect. Pursuing a subject so imbued with sentimentalism requires stylistic disipline and a special ability to manage child actors. The author of "Birth Certificate" mastered both - and it was not by chance. Stanislaw Rozewicz was always the beneficent spirit of the film milieu; he could unite people around a common goal. He emanated peace and sensitivity, which flowed to his co-workers and pupils. A film, being a group work, necessitates some form of empathy - tuning in with others.  In a biographical documentary about Stanislaw Rozewicz entitled "Walking, Meeting" (1999 by Antoni Krauze), there is a beautiful scene when the director, after a few decades, meets Beata Barszczewska, who plays Mireczka in the novella "Drops of Blood". The woman falls into the arms of the elderly man. They are both moved. He wonders how many years have passed. She answers: "A few years. Not too many." And Rozewicz, with his characteristic smile says: "It is true. We spent this entire time together."

  • 香蕉的混蛋



    <英雄本色2国语高清下载;p>  六个年轻人为了电影噱头,于是出发作死去寻找神秘坟墓。然后他们遇到...恐怖的...香蕉!一场全球浩劫就此开始苍龙不朽...

  • 歪爱时代第二季




  • 怨鬼之家



      经过长达14年的努力,阿提终于在清迈远郊的拉达乐园购买了一幢属于自己的房子。他事必躬亲打理房中的一切,满心欢喜等待妻子小斑和女儿小楠、儿子纳特从曼谷到来。正处云播放斗罗大陆第147集在青春期的小楠被迫和好朋友以及一直照料自己的外婆分别,因此心中愤愤不平,对父亲时常语带讥讽。与此同时,阿提一家的快乐喜悦也并未持续多久。某天,同小区一户人家,警方发现缅甸籍女佣被人杀害,并藏尸冰箱之中。这一恶性事件令拉达乐园内人心惶惶,小斑更是充满不祥的预感。虽然勉强支撑,但是阿提也不可避免地被一些灵异事件所困扰。  某日,阿提不幸失业,巨大的生活压力令他透不过气来,而周边发生的各种不祥事件也让他几近崩溃……

  • 魔格亚纳



      “捷克新浪潮电影的黑暗、诡异的奇葩” 捷克奇幻电影杰作选之《魔格亚纳》  道德底线第二部风靡全球的捷克奇幻电影魅力!  导演: 乔拉.赫兹  影片简介:一个家庭因为财产分配上的矛盾,姐姐购买了中国达人秀2011使人产生幻觉的毒药,给妹妹使用了,可是并没有使自己得到需要的东西,幕后隐藏的黑手到底是谁呢?

  • 圆环 第一季



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