  • 糖果区域



    Remy, a naive and devout young woman, is cast out from her religious cult. With no place to turn, she immerses hersel刘恺威上快乐大本营f into the underground world of truck stop sex workers under the tutelage of Sadie, Riley, Liv and Levi, th西瓜在线影院观看eir madam, Nora, and enigmatic local lawman, Sheriff Rex. Remy navigates between her strained belief system and 玉楼春电视剧免费观看在线the lot lizard code to find her calling in life.

  • 小迪克西



      Erstwhile Special Forces operative Doc Alexander is asked to broker a truce with the Mexican drug cartel in secrecy. When Oklahoma Governor Richard Jeffs celebrates the execution of a high-ranking cartel member on TV, his Chief of Staff and Doc inform him about the peace he just ended. But it’s too late, as Cuco, the cartel’s hatchet man, has set his vengeful sights on Doc’s daughter 新还珠格格之风儿阵阵吹剧情介绍Dixie.  They don’t make ’em like Little Dixie anymore: honed to the bone, all gestures and actions, only a few words. Too many genre films these days try to create meaning by piling ideas and intentions on their narrative frames. John Swab, as always, works the other way around. Meaning and depth come from taking away whatever is superfluous – by reducing the plot to its bare essence and the characters to their core trades and tricks.  Ultimately, Little Dixie feels like the pulp fiction version of a Giacometti sculpture, all fearful symmetries and mirror images. A gem of crime cinema at its purest and most philosophical, proudly featuri狂情劫ng noir’s new darling, Frank Grillo.

  • 一日雄狮




  • 小迪克西



    Erstwhile Special Forces operative Doc Alexander is asked to broker a truce with the Mexican drug cartel in secrecy. When Oklahoma Governor Richard Jeffs celebrates the execution of a high-ranking cartel member on TV, his Chief of Staff and Doc inform him about the peace he just ended. But it’s too late, as Cuco, the cartel’s hatchet man, has set his vengeful sights on Doc’s da... 青色五月天   Erstwhile Special Forces operative Doc Alexander is asked to broker a truce with the Mexican drug cartel in secrecy. When Oklahoma Governor Richard Jeffs celebrates the execution of a high-ranking cartel member on TV, his Chief of Staff and Doc inform him about the peace he just ended. But it’s too late, as Cuco, the cartel’s hatchet man, has set his vengeful sights on Doc你好安怡演员表’s daughter Dixie.

  • 糖果区域 2022



  • 小迪克西 2023


    前特种部队特工亚历山大医生被要求秘密与墨西哥贩毒集团休战。当俄克拉荷马州州长理查德·杰夫斯(Richard Jeffs)在电视上庆祝一名高级卡特尔成员被处决时,他的参谋长和医生告诉他他刚刚结束的eva剧场版q高清下载和平。但为时已晚,因为卡特尔的斧头人库科已经将复仇目光投向了多克的女儿迪克西。 最终,小迪克西感觉就像贾科梅蒂雕塑的低俗小说版本进击的巨人 漫画,所有可怕的对称和镜像。最纯粹、最哲学的犯罪电影瑰宝,以黑色电影的新宠弗兰克·格里洛为主角。

  • 一日雄狮 2023



  • 甜园下的罪恶



  • 追猎 2019



  • 一日雄狮



    <生活大爆炸第十季下载;p>  杰基·鲍尔斯会不择手段地阻止儿子跟着他走上犯罪的道路。在他的黑帮雇主的追击下权力游戏第六季下载,一次在路边餐馆的偶遇开辟了一条新的道路。

  • 糖果区域



    Remy, a naive and devout young woman, is cast out from her religious cult赘婿电视剧免费观看在线. With no place to turn, she immerses herself into the underg暖暖视频免费观看视频round world of truck stop sex workers under the tutelage of Sadie, Riley, Liv and Levi, their madam, Nora, and enigmatic local lawman, Sheriff Rex. Remy navigates between her strained belief system and the lot lizard code to find一一直播 her calling in l...

  • 小迪克西



      Erstwhile Special Forces operative Doc Alexander is asked to broker a truce with the Me七鹤大人睡女粉丝事件xican drug cartel in secrecy. When Oklahoma Governor Richard Jeffs celebrates the execution of a high-ranking cartel member on TV, his Chief of Staff and Doc inform him about the peace he just ended. But it’s too late, as Cuco, the cartel’s hatchet man, has set his vengeful sights on Doc’s daughter Dixie.  They don’t make ’em like Little Dixie anymore: honed to the bone, all gestures and actions, only a few words. Too many genre films these days try to create meaning by piling ideas and恶战 电影 intentions on their narrative frames. John Swab, as always, works the other way around. Meaning and depth come from taking away whatever is superfluous – by reducing the plot to its bare essence and the characters to their core trades and tricks.  Ultimately, 芭乐视频下载app污Little Dixie feels like the pulp fiction version of a Giacometti sculpture, all fearful symmetries and mirror images. A gem of crime cinema at its purest and most philosophical, proudly featuring noir’s new darling, Frank Grillo.




