  • 沉寂之桥



    Marg Duffield (Lee Remick) is the Maine wife of Al (Joseph Sommer) whose daughter Peg (Marlee Matlin) is deaf. Peg's husband is killed in a car accident on the way to visit the Maine house, and the Duffield's take in Peg's six year old daughter, Lisa, while Peg recovers. Since Lisa is a speaking child, Marg thinks of her the way she wanted Peg to be, and seeks guardian custody.  Remick's role is secondary to Matlin's, though she is presented as a tragic figure, particularly as Al refuses to help her plan to gain Lisa. Peg's deafness is said to be from a childhood case of spinal meningitis, and the teleplay by Louisa Burns-Bisogno, with story by Louisa and Tom Bisogno, reduces Remick to a textbook mother who is self-hating from guilt and therefore cannot love her own daughter. In a memorable scene, Peg anfriends电影grily signs her exit to Marg, since Marg has refused to learn sign language, though Peg has learned to speak for her mother.  The treatment uses the Tennesee Williams play, The Glass Menagerie, for therapy, to help Peg overcome her grief and also Marg `lose her unicorn horn' and embrace her daughter. Whilst Peg choosing to act in this play may seem an odd choice for someone grieving, what is more noticable is that Matlin is far too more glamourous to be believable as Laura. The Bisogno's include Michael O'Keefe as Dan, Peg's deceased husband's best friend and director of Actors Theatre for the Deaf, to offer Peg a new romantic interest, and thankfully she rebukes his protestations of love. Although his opinion may be influenced by his `crush', Dan tells Peg that being different is better than being normal, since the normal ones are as `common as weeds'. This philosophy reads as rather Nietzschean, on the level of artists not being restricted to the common moral code.  Director Karen Arthur either has those signing also speaking or those signing being translated for the audience, though in one scene the sound of lapping waves drowns out the dialogue between Dan and Peg. She also gives Matlin some good moments, one being her scream of horror when she hears the news of the death of her husband, and another when she chases Remick down a flight of steps, hitting her.

  • 黑暗的诅咒



    他们一直以为这个亚太影院故事是大人讲来骗小孩子的,直到他们在野外游玩时亲眼见到了黑魔王的出现,并被黑魔王中我们约会吧 陈翔下不可挽回的魔咒。

  • 坏种2



      Sequel to Rob 可以试看的120秒高清视频Lowe's 2018 The Bad Seed, follows now 15-year-old Emma, as she is sent off to boarding school where a new girl se穿越之豪门风流太子爷ems to know Emma's secrets, leading Emma to to slip back to her ol优色网d ways.

  • 土耳其冰激凌




  • 听障影后Marlee Matlin加盟《谍网》第三季 - 美剧极客


            有听力障碍的奥斯卡影后Marlee Matlin已确定加盟ABC悬疑惊悚剧《谍网》(Quantico)第三季,帮助Alex和她的伙伴们惩恶扬善。         据了解,Matlin在《谍网》中扮演美国联邦调查局(FBI)前探员Jocelyn Turner,Turner曾是联邦调查局最出色的卧底探员之一,但是在一次执行任务的过程中,被炸弹冲击波炸聋耳朵。意外事故发生后,Jocelyn退居二线,但是如今她加入特别行动组,与Alex等人共同执行任务。         《谍网》第三季将继续变脸,因为前执行制片人Joshua Safran于第二季末卸任本剧的剧集总监,此后两位常规演员Yasmine Al Massri和Pearl Thusi也离开剧组。但不都是坏消息,今年六月,ABC证实医学剧《黑色警报》(Code Black)剧集总监Michael Seitzman继任《谍网》的剧集总监,当然他也仍然是《黑色警报》的剧集总监。         Matlin曾于1986年凭借剧情片《失宠于上帝的孩子们》 (Children of a Lesser God)获得当年奥斯卡金像奖最佳女主角奖和美国电影电视金球奖剧情片类最佳女主角奖。此外,Matlin曾出演过《错位青春》(Switched at Birth)、《白宫西厢》(The West Wing)、《拉字至上》(The L Word)等剧。         《谍网》第三季将于明年冬春档回归。





